As a hobbyist game developer focused on 2D games, working without an art and design team makes you realize that creating a functional and beautiful map, where the "Gameplay" that you have in your head comes alive, is the phase of the development process that consumes the most time to achieve mediocre results at best. 

If you create an ideal map in your mind and assign it a value of 10 for comparative purposes, there would be two extreme situations. The first is if you have unlimited resources as a development team with artists, designers and programmers, in this case you can get a 9.5 value map in a reasonable amount of time, let's say, again for comparison purposes, at a cost of 10. At the other extreme is an amateur developer who has himself and a lot of devotion to game development. Well, this amateur developer, with "MAP GENERATOR 2D" will be able to obtain, in a minimum time, infinite maps of value 6 and with a set cost of 1.

CASE 1. VALUE 9.5 AND COST 10.  Hollow Knight screenshots.

CASE 2. VALUE 6 AND COST 1 (infinite maps)

Developed in 5 minutes with MapGenerator2D.

In between these extreme scenarios will be all the larger or smaller studios and all the amateur developers who can take more or less quality time to develop their projects. All these cases, using "MAP GENERATOR 2D" will obtain maps with values between 6 and 9.5 with a consumption of resources between 1 and 10.